Hi Ashleigh,
Thank you so so much for all the love and care shown to both L* and Y*. It's a huge help you done for us.
22 March 2023
Good morning all of you wonderful educators!!
A* & V* talk about Miss Koda favourably a lot. A* has even become interested in moving on from pull-ups to impress her - which impresses me! Lol
Thank you all for providing an amazing centre for the kids. All reviews both public and word of mouth have all been extremely positive.
I wanted to enrol my girls with Happy Days simply from the reviews I heard! And I haven't been let down at all.
So, my sincerest thanks to Miss Koda and the Happy Days dream team!
Leah, A* & V*
x x x
Most lively centre in the area.
Staff is very helpful, loving and nurturing. My kid loves going there.
Very strict about health and safety so I also have my peace of mind”
San* loves Happy Days she enjoys being there with students and teachers , she has developed so much since last year.
Thank you heaps
I’m loving the recent renovations, both indoors and outdoors. The backyard provides lots of open spaces for kids to run around in, and special areas for various activities.
Coming through the front door, families walk into a large open space that is warm and welcoming.
As always, the place is clean, exciting for kids and the staff are wonderfully friendly.
My daughter’s kindy teacher commented that kids who come from Happy Days are usually very well prepared for kindy (that includes my daughter).
Parent, house.speakingsame.com
So the girls are going nuts over Happy Days Pre School Yoga.
Is there an app you use or a youtube video. I'd love to continue it at home for the days they are not at preschool. It seems like a great exercise for the kids. I bet they love it too!
Chat soon, R*
I want to say thank you to all the educators for their hard work each day, Diana has learned a lot over the past few months.
Thanks to all of you she is now ready to start school next year.
I also really appreciated
when it was her birthday a letter from the staff was sent home via mail saying happy birthday, Diana really enjoyed that so did I, I thought it was so personal and thoughtful.
From T* and D* 😊
Congratulations Happy Days
for being
in ALL 7 areas of the National Quality Standard.
This is an attestation of all your hard work and our centre's ability to go over and beyond the regulatory requirements for child care. Getting this rating was by no means an easy feat, and a near impossible achievement!
So well done TEAM AWESOME, let's continue doing our best in providing quality child care services to all our Happy Days families.
HDK Management
I have heard and read a lot of good reviews, in fact my niece is currently enrolled in your day care and I have seen her progress in terms of educational and her interaction with people. I am really amazed by her and I know your day care have done a really great job! I would love my son to go in your day care as I know he will be in good hands just like my niece.
I cannot begin to thank you all for the love and support shown to my little man.
From the first day, you have all made me and J* feel a part of your little kindy family. It has not been an easy run but
the dedication shown by you all has been beyond anyone could have imagined.
Thank you Thank you Thank you for doing your best to ensure that J* is looked after!
Love and Appreciation,
My daughter goes to this child care where I'm fully satisfied with their service and care provided.
Teachers are very patient in handling all the kids. Before going to this school, my daughter was very quiet in nature and never mingled with any other kids.
Every single day she goes there, I can see the different things she learns.
From the day my daughter has started going, she always asks me the question when my next school day is.
As she only goes to child care two days, I'm extending to 4-5 days from October onwards.
Thanks for the teachers and Regie who are running the first class child care centre in Blacktown.
I would like this centre extended to 0-2 years old too.
Without any hesitation, I'm highly recommending Happy Days to all my friends and kins for their kids for good care.
Satkunam Suganthar
Thank you for running a great pre-school for me to attend to. I had a lot of fun.
I will miss Happy Days. God bless you and your family.
Love, A*
Most lively centre in the area!!
Staff is very helpful, loving and nurturing. My kids love attending Happy Days!! Very strict about health and safety so I also have my peace of mind.
This is such an amazing childcare, with such a beautiful, caring team of educators.
The experience I have had, with my son at this daycare has been nothing short of fantastic.
My son has a Cerebral Palsy, and the educators have done everything possible to assist with his integration into the Centre, as well as assist in his therapies that need to be undertaken everyday.
Extremely professional, loving and nurturing and just an overall great experience as a Parent to have my first child attend such a great Centre.
You are one of the greatest blessings I have received this year.
Thank you so much for your love and care.
I just wanted to thank you all so much for the care and education you have provided for El* for the time she has been at the centre. It is so sad to say goodbye and we will miss you all so much. We will definitely come back and visit!
Agreeable service with experienced staff.
We especially enjoyed taking part in the parent involved activities and their
commitment to childcare.
A great local kindy.
Rung, WordOfMouth
To our beautiful teachers Here’s a little something to sweeten up your day!
We love you all!!!
A* and A*
Hi parents ,
This is the best daycare I have experienced. My son had an experience in 1 daycare and I have visited another big academy too.
My opinion is before everything kids must be kind, gentle, self disciplined and caring. Happy Days teaches all of these things and provides the best base for education.
Teachers are amazing! They think this is their life and not as a duty. They are both parents and teachers for the kids. My son is enjoying his day and learning so many things and getting ready for school too.
I am so happy because they take care my child like me. On the other hand they also teach my son what’s wrong and what to do, love nature, behave himself in a better way and it is a beautiful place to be.
Thank you all to the lovely teachers -
Ashleigh, Denise, Teela, Harinder, Chloe and Rebecca and the Management too!!!!
Swethekei Munasinghe
I would say this is more like a beautiful happy place that teaches so many things and filled with amazing teachers. My son T* is 6 years old now.
We had to leave Sydney when he was 4 years. We left Happy Days with tears.
I still remember Ashleigh, Tanya and all the teachers who taught my son his first words.
He was very slow when he first started at Happy Days. But finally he is a talkative boy which won the leadership badge for junior council.
I am so grateful to the teachers that made my little one happy, they definitely live up to their name, Happy Days.
Thank you soooo much !!!!
Swethekei Munasinghe
My 4 year old son can't wait to get to Happy Days Kindergarten every morning
(he's out the door before me!) and hates taking a day off, e.g. if sick. If only my teenage son could have the same attitude towards school, hmmm wishful thinking....
-Parent, house.speakingsame.com
Just wanted to say thank you for waiting with S* this morning while I dropped G* and D* off. The weather didn't help!
Sometimes a sign of appreciation can go along way. A huge thank you to you and Regie for all your hard work you have put into the centre. It is really appreciated and should be recognised. Introducing the children to new technology, gardening and PALS has come along way.
I have seen the change in my children at home and let me tell you N* and I are so happy!!
The staff are just fantastic! They have helped so much as well. Especially for me in the morning since D* has been so attached to me for so long. Today I actually got a kiss and hug and "Bye Mum, I love you". It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder.
Your approach is exactly what allows me to keep the kids at the centre.
I feel like I am walking into a relatives house when I drop and pick the kids up.
The centre is full of love, happiness and trust. You guys are amazing!
It has been nice to see you lately at the centre Vera! Thank you for your feedback today regarding G*. If there is anything extra we can do to help we would love to take part.
So thank you again!
Educator Appreciation Day - Parents' Comments
Thank you for your nurturing and caring nature towards our children. The children + parents adore you! Love C
Thank you for all your hard work and patience. Love V
Thank you for always being there for us, we love you!
Love B & V
Thank you to you all for all your hard work, commitment, patience and love. Love S & D
Thank you all for teaching and guiding M* and L* through their early years.
They're off to a great start!!!
Best Regards,
I appreciate all the love and care you have given K* during the years and the support and understanding you have given our family during tough times.
Thank you so much Regie.
I pray for your continued success that you may be able to extend the same love, care and support to many more children and their families.
Regards, M*